Ep 36 Debra Eckerling Midlife Fulfilled Podcast with Bernie Borges

Ep. 36 Debra gets fulfillment helping people find what is next for them

Debra's AF is harnessing her super power to help people get unstuck to take a step toward setting goals and finding the path that leads to fulfillment.

This week’s guest is Debra Eckerling.  Debra’s BF (before fulfillment) to AF (after fulfillment) story starts with a job where she discovered her gift. Fortunately, Debra has taken the action to use her gift to help others discover what’s next for them.

Specifically, Debra loves to help people who love to write but haven’t found their path as a writer. As the author of Your Goal Guide, A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals, Debra realizes that goal setting is something many people struggle with, not just writers.   

On this episode, Debra explains how it’s normal to feel stuck. But, it starts with giving yourself permission to take a step toward setting your goals to find the path that leads to fulfillment.

Follow  Debra Eckerling on Instagram
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Learn more about Debra’s book 
Your Goal Guide   
Visit Debra’s website 
The D.E.B. Method

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Email: bernie@midlifefulfilled.com

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Music attribution: Scott Holmes MusicSupport the show

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Scott Holmes Music
Eyes Wide Shut
Old Bossa Twin Musicom

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