Shannon Russell Midlife Fulfilled Podcast Hosted by Bernie Borges

Ep. 29 Hollywood to New Jersey becoming a fulfilled midlife mom entrepreneur 🎬

Shannon Russell achieved her dream career as a television producer in Hollywood. When her family priorities shifted, something had to change. So, she took action.

This week’s guest is Shannon Russell.  Shannon achieved her dream job while she was in college as a producer at MTV. Her television and film-producing career took her to Hollywood where she continued to progress as an executive producer on many shows.

She married a producer and after their first son was born they returned to New Jersey to be near family. She continued her producing career with a grinding daily commute to New York City.

Her “aha” moment came when she was eight months pregnant with her second son and after leaving work at 4 pm for a two-hour commute to pick up her first-born son at daycare by 6 pm she asked herself, “what am I doing?!”

During her maternity leave one door closed and another door was revealed to her. But, it was still up to her to take action. And, she took the action to become a mom entrepreneur, leveraging her producing skills in a new industry and business venture.
Shannon’s BF to AF midlife story is relevant to many. You’re going to enjoy it!

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Visit Shannon Russell’s website Second Act Success
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Music attribution: Scott Holmes Music

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