Allan Misner | Midlife Fulfilled Podcast

Ep 172 Embracing Fitness for Independence and Vibrant Midlife Living

The importance of fitness and wellness, discussing how small and consistent investments in our health can lead to a better quality of life as we grow older.

On episode 172 Allan Misner and I delve into maintaining physical capability and independence as we age. We share Allan’s insights along with our personal experiences on the importance of fitness and wellness, discussing how small and consistent investments in our health can lead to a better quality of life as we grow older.

Allan’s fitness brand, 40 Plus Fitness, takes center stage as he shares his journey and resources for individuals over 40. Three of our key discussion points are:

1️⃣ Invest in Your Health Now for a Better Future: Recognize the importance of small but impactful investments in your health, such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, quality sleep, stress management, and self-care. These will lead to a higher quality of life and vital aging down the road.

2️⃣ Be Mindful of Movement Patterns: Poor movement patterns can lead to muscle imbalances and increased risk of injury. It’s essential to self-assess and correct any physical issues resulting from prolonged sitting, “tech neck,” and past injuries to prevent long-term consequences and maintain independence.

3️⃣ Find Ways to Incorporate Activity Daily: Make the most of your time by incorporating movement into your daily routine. Whether it’s doing push-ups at your desk, utilizing adjustable desks at work, or making small movements throughout the day, find ways to stay active and prioritize your physical well-being.

Questions to ponder from this episode:

What small investments can you make in your health now for a better quality of life as you age?

What are practical ways you can incorporate movement into your daily routine, regardless of the type of job you have?

How can people over 40 overcome common barriers, such as lack of interest or time, to prioritize exercise?

Let Allan’s story inspire you to fitness for healthy living and longevity.


👏 Get my Five Pillars of Fulfillment Scorecard 👏 

My affiliate link to Castmagic, the AI tool I used to help produce these show notes.

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Episode Transcript

Bernie Borges [00:00:00]:
Alan Meisner, welcome to the Midlife Fulfill Podcast Day Maximum Episode.

Allan Misner [00:00:05]:
Hey, Bernie. Glad to be here and amongst another Midlife. The way you define it, I love. So really glad to be here.

Bernie Borges [00:00:12]:
Well, thank you. I’m glad I’m glad to have you here. I am really looking forward to our conversation. You have not only an interesting background we’ll we’ll get into your background, but you’ve got some pretty impressive, credentials. You are a National Academy of Sports Medicine certified personal trainer. You’re also a precision nutrition level 2 master coach. Tongue a tongue twister for me. Yes.

Bernie Borges [00:00:37]:
And also a functional aging institute certified specialist. You’ve earned specialties in corrective exercise. I love that, corrective exercise. Performance enhancement, behavioral change, fitness nutrition, and, of course, online personal training. Now, Alan, I don’t know a lot about your background, but something tells me that’s not what you’ve done your entire career. So give us your backstory. How did you become all of these credentialed things in fitness? Well,

Allan Misner [00:01:11]:
I was corporate. I majored in accounting, got a master’s in accounting, got my CPA, went out to the firm, worked in a firm for a number of years, and then went into internal audit. So in every company I ever worked for, I was the most hated human being on the earth. If I showed up at your office, everybody’s like, oh, don’t talk to him. Don’t talk to him. So, you know, yeah, it was it was a miserable career that I was really, really good at. Let’s just put it put it that way. And I did it for a number of years, and I was really good.

Allan Misner [00:01:38]:
And I managed to work my way up exactly the way you plan it. And at age 39, I was a vice president of a fortune 500 company, and I was completely broke and completely miserable. And the only thing good in my life was that job, and it wasn’t all that great. And and so I I kinda decided, okay. I gotta do something. I have to do something. I this is not how it’s supposed to end. I’m not supposed to die at 50 years old of a heart attack because I gave everything to this career.

Allan Misner [00:02:10]:
Yeah. I’m kidding. You know? So I I decided I was gonna do something, and I tried, and I failed. And I tried, and I broke. And I tried, and I messed up. And I tried and did well, and then I came back down. And so for 8 years, I was the yo yo. I was the roller coaster.

Allan Misner [00:02:28]:
Right? However you wanna classify the a little bit of gain and a whole lot of loss, and I mean the opposite direction. You know? I I just I couldn’t pull it all together, and I

Bernie Borges [00:02:39]:
And were you referring to, like, different career ventures or entrepreneurial ventures?

Allan Misner [00:02:43]:
This is my health. This is my health and my fitness because what was going on with me was I was unfit. I was overweight. And I went into a simple volleyball game, sand volleyball game. I was really excited to be able to play. I hadn’t played a number of years. And I literally left the court after one game, which I had never done in my entire life, and I thought I might have to go to the hospital. And this was not like 2 man stuff you pro stuff you see, even though I used to be able to play that way, this was 6 on 6.

Allan Misner [00:03:15]:
So this is literally just standing out in the sand. And if the ball came your way, you you hit it. This was not intense stuff, but I was just my body could not do it. And so after 8 years of this back and forth back and forth, two things happened. K. One thing is my wife my daughter had gotten into CrossFit, and she’d become a level 1 CrossFit coach. And this has become very passionate for her to help people and do these things. And she was she reminded me of who I was at her age, and I was fit and athletic and everything else.

Allan Misner [00:03:45]:
I’m like, okay. She’s where I was, which was kind of an awesome thing to see when your daughter’s kinda walking in your footsteps in a lot of ways. And then she said to me one night, she said, daddy, I’m gonna do this CrossFit competition. I want you to come watch. Now, I don’t know about you, but when I became a dad, I didn’t sign up to be a spectator in my daughter’s life. I signed up to be a participant. And so it was kind of a kick in the teeth or a kick in the chest or however you would take it, a kick in the butt. But it was just one of these things.

Allan Misner [00:04:18]:
I’m like, no, no, this is not how it’s supposed to end. You know, this is not how I’m supposed to be. And then I sat down, I really thought deeply about why was I always able to do hard things, but I couldn’t do this.

Bernie Borges [00:04:32]:
Well, this is very physical. You know, hard things when it comes to our intellectual capacity is a very different hard thing to do?

Allan Misner [00:04:42]:
A little bit. A little bit. But here here’s the fundamental difference. I had not committed to this the same way I’d committed to those other things. Back when we when I took it, the CPA exam was actually really, really hard. We had to take all four parts at the same time. The pass rate for the first try was, like, 10%. Wow.

Allan Misner [00:05:03]:
Most people had to take it 3 to 7 times to pass the exam.

Bernie Borges [00:05:08]:

Allan Misner [00:05:08]:
I put it on myself to pass it in one go. I

Bernie Borges [00:05:12]:
You did?

Allan Misner [00:05:12]:
And I did and I did. And, I had teachers, you know, pushing me that they want me to get the high score. They want all this stuff. I pushed myself like nothing, and I’d done that over and over in physical ways and mental ways. I had done really hard things. And I came back here and I says, okay. Here’s a hard thing. What’s different? And the difference was commitment.

Allan Misner [00:05:33]:
I had decided I wanted to lose weight and get fit, but I hadn’t committed to it the way I had the other things. And so the mix of my daughter and that feeling of I’m not supposed to be a a spectator. I am going to be a participant in her life for a long, long time. That was the thing that got me to commit to change. Now a commitment to change is very different because now you have a very emotional and compelling why. This is not just I want to. This is I have to. Mhmm.

Allan Misner [00:06:05]:
That deep. And the other side of it is comes with a big vision. It’s not this little thing, like like going out for coffee. This is I’m gonna change my life.

Bernie Borges [00:06:14]:

Allan Misner [00:06:14]:
I’m gonna do something important, something big. When you marry a vision with a why, you now have a commitment. You can think back to getting married for everyone that’s done that. Okay. What happened? Well, there was a person, and we were very much in love. And we had this vision of what life we could create if we joined, and we made that commitment.

Bernie Borges [00:06:37]:

Allan Misner [00:06:38]:
And that commitment is a bond, and we changed a lot of ourselves because of that commitment, and it paid off huge. And so this was kind of the same thing of when you make a commitment and you’re that emotionally invested, you change. It changes you, and now you suddenly have capacities that you never thought you could have.

Bernie Borges [00:07:01]:
Yeah. So before we started recording, Alan, I mentioned to you that, I launched this podcast, the Midlife of Phil Podcast, 2 years ago, February of 2022. And when I launched it, I had just completed some research. Now the research had only 267 people who responded to a survey that I did, and they were mostly over the age of 40. And the reason I bring it up is I asked people what they wanted to improve, and I gave them a whole bunch of choices. Number 1 was their fitness. Number 1.

Allan Misner [00:07:38]:
Yeah. And and there’s a very good reason for that. I’m gonna tell you a story. So there’s this guy named Glenn, and Glenn was an avid golfer. He he bought a house on a golf course. He golfed all the time. Well, Glenn reached the age of 80, and he suddenly couldn’t golf anymore. So a lot of people say, well, so what? He’s already 80, right? He’s done.

Allan Misner [00:08:01]:
No. He lived another 15 years, but it gets worse. By the time that Glenn was now 90, he couldn’t really take care of himself because he couldn’t get up from his chair and make it to the bathroom in time. So someone had to come in and clean up for him. Mhmm. Okay. Now Glenn was my grandfather. So I was in the golf cart when he was 80 asking him if he was gonna go out with the guys and golf because every year I came to visit, that was how it worked.

Allan Misner [00:08:29]:
We had lunch. We’d ride over in the golf cart, and then he’d go out with the guys to golf. I would go see other family members, but, no, he he he didn’t even wanna go to the driving range. He was so upset with the fact he couldn’t do the things he wanted to do. And then he’s older, and he hit age of 90. I never saw him again because he would didn’t want me to come see him because he was so embarrassed that he couldn’t take care of himself, and he didn’t want that to happen in front of anybody else. And so I joke that I wanna be able to wipe my own ass when I’m a 105. And people giggle, but there’s a lot buried in that sentence.

Bernie Borges [00:09:04]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Allan Misner [00:09:05]:
Yeah. In that one, I do wanna live a good long life, but I wanna get live a good long life on my terms. I wanna be independent. I wanna be capable. I wanna be able to open my own pickle jar. You know, all the things that we do in our lives require some physicality. Being that you’re chasing your kids around the zoo or being it now chasing grandkids around the zoo.

Bernie Borges [00:09:26]:
It’s I actually I actually liken it to just being functional. Yes. A few months ago I’m 66. And a few months ago, I flew up to Pennsylvania, live in Florida. My My son and his and his wife live in Pennsylvania, and they moved. And they were moving on a Friday. So my son said they had he had a couple of buddies lined up, but they weren’t gonna show up until 3 PM on Friday. So I flew up on Thursday, and, Friday, we did the whole move.

Bernie Borges [00:09:53]:
Well, I shouldn’t say the whole move, not the furniture because that was done by the movers the day before. His buddies didn’t show up till 5, so we spent the entire day. We made 2 runs. And, Alan, I was up and down, in and out of the truck. He had a flight of stairs, carrying boxes all day, and I gotta tell you, I was pretty proud of the fact that I didn’t huff. I didn’t puff. I didn’t have any mutations. I was keeping pace with him.

Bernie Borges [00:10:21]:
It was, you know, I just the entire day, we did what we needed to do, and I had zero problems because I’ve been working out for 40 years.

Allan Misner [00:10:28]:
Yeah. And I call that fit for task. And it’s a concept that basically says, I don’t I don’t work out. I don’t exercise. I train to be the human being I’m supposed to be. So if I’m gonna keep up with my grandkids at the zoo, I’m not gonna be the guy sitting on the bench at the entrance because I know I can’t keep up with them and then asking them how it was. You know, they come back. How was it? Oh, I wanna be there.

Allan Misner [00:10:53]:
I wanna be there to experience the joy when they see the giraffe, when they see the lion and the monkeys, and they’re giggling and they’re running around and and they have all that energy. I wanna be there. I wanna be able to get on the floor and play around with them. I wanna be able to help my son move. You know, that that’s that’s who I am as a human. And so when you start and you break away from the whole mindset of, oh, I don’t I don’t wanna exercise. I I don’t wanna go to the gym and sweat. You know, I don’t wanna do those things.

Allan Misner [00:11:22]:
Well, then you don’t want to be that person. You don’t wanna be independent. So when you break it down that way, now you know you’re training. So I’m training to have the stamina to do things. Now when I was younger, we did 5 k’s, and they had some marathons and things like that. My daughter comes along. By that time, they’re doing CrossFit and and mud runs. I have no idea what’s gonna be going on when my grandkids are that age.

Allan Misner [00:11:47]:
But guess what? I might be doing my damnest to be out there with them doing it, not watching from some sideline, not sitting in some rocking chair, looking at them playing on the floor. I’m gonna be engaged at their level in their life, and they’re gonna know me for that. You know, the other grandpas don’t do this. The other grandpas don’t I’m I’m not the other grandpas. Exactly. I’m Allen. I’m Allen. You know? This is what I do.

Allan Misner [00:12:10]:
So if you do that, if you just basically wrap your head around who do I need to be, then the basic answer is yes, you need to be strong. You need you need good muscle strength, you need good bone density, you need balance, you need stamina. And and then the rest of it’s really just up to what kind of lifestyle you’re trying to live, or do you wanna play tennis tennis or golf or or or whatever? I have to move water bottles around this bed and breakfast all the time. They weigh £44. Up and downstairs, I’m taking luggage. Okay. Sometimes they’re younger than me. The people are coming in.

Allan Misner [00:12:43]:
They’re like, oh, sure. 20 year old guy hands me his, luggage, and I it’s heavy. Be careful. I’m hauling it up the steps because that’s what I trained for.

Bernie Borges [00:12:52]:
Yeah. Yeah. Now, Alan, your brand, your website is 40 plus fitness. Right? So Yeah. That’s what you’re all about. It’s 40 plus fitness. What do you what do you encounter when you are working with people, coaching them? What are the kinds of current states that you’re experiencing? And then what’s the journey for them to get to a future state?

Allan Misner [00:13:15]:
Yeah. Well, all of the certifications most of the certifications you talked about earlier, I got those to take care of myself.

Bernie Borges [00:13:22]:

Allan Misner [00:13:22]:
I didn’t get those to take career. I had no intention of being a personal trainer. I just said, I need to fix myself, and because I’m traveling so much for work, I don’t have time to meet with a trainer regularly. I can’t. It’s just not possible. And so I don’t know how to eat for myself right now. I don’t know how to move for myself. I just knew once I started going, it’s like, okay.

Allan Misner [00:13:42]:
I need, I need to learn how to do this stuff. So I became the certified personal trainer, and then I realized, okay. I’ve got some problems. I need to work on corrective exercise. And then I need to work on functional aging. And so those were for me. I didn’t have any attention whatsoever training anyone else.

Bernie Borges [00:13:59]:
Can you can you give us a definition of I I don’t know what you mean by corrective exercise.

Allan Misner [00:14:04]:
Okay. So we do a lot of repetitive stuff, you know, like, sitting in a chair for hours. We do, one-sided movements all the time. So most of us say, yeah. I’m right handed, so I do everything with my right hand. What that does is that that trains grooves in the way your body moves. And in some cases, those can be actually harmful. So an example would be if you look at your, if you if you look at sitting all the time, your hip flexors are now in a closed position.

Allan Misner [00:14:38]:
And so you’ve closed your hips and they stay like that. Your butt is disengaged. It’s just sitting there. And so that changes the musculature of that part of those parts of your body. You don’t have muscle balance. If you’re doing one side or the other or you’ve injured yourself, then you you adapt. Your muscles adapt around that new movement pattern. So you may notice someone who was in a car accident years ago, and there’s no injury now, but they still sort of limp.

Allan Misner [00:15:07]:
That’s one of those things. They they train they train their health to move a certain way when they had the injury, and they never untrained it. And so you look at their movement patterns and say, can these movement patterns hurt you? And the and the short answer is if we add load, absolutely. So if I wanted to get stronger and I wanted to add load to my body and I wasn’t moving well, I could actually injure myself. And that was one of the things that had been happening to me is you start you know, you go to the gym. It’s like, okay. I’m gonna do the basic workout here. I see all the all the other guys doing.

Allan Misner [00:15:40]:
I just downloaded it off of, and you’re like, okay. So this is what I would have done when I was 20. Right? So I just download the workout. I go in there. It’s like, okay. It says barbell squat. And I start doing barbell squats, and my lower back is killing me the next day. It’s like, okay, I just did bar I mean, not a lot of weight, but a little bit.

Allan Misner [00:16:00]:
Why did that happen? Well, I know why it happens now because my movement pattern was wrong, and I put too much stress on my lower back. So that’s that’s what it basically is. It’s about doing exercises and stretches that improve the movement patterns of your body so it moves the way it’s supposed to and therefore lowers your risk of injury.

Bernie Borges [00:16:20]:
So then that tells me that the first thing that I would need to do is to sort of assess my current state Yeah. To understand where I’m out of balance, where things are not right, so that I don’t don’t hurt myself in doing any kind of exercise.

Allan Misner [00:16:37]:
Right. Right. And that that’s what I do as a personal trainer for a lot of my clients is I’ll come in and I’ll say, okay. What injuries have you had? What problems have you had? You know, what hurts? Everyone over the age of 50 seems to think that it’s just natural to hurt. It’s not. That stuff’s not supposed to happen until way, way, way later. You’re you haven’t done enough in your life to wear yourself out. You’re you’ve only done half of what your body was basically designed to do before it should even consider breaking.

Allan Misner [00:17:06]:
So you’ve done something wrong if you’re hurting, and that’s what we try to work towards. I didn’t realize even as a trainer at some point that I had weakened my rotator cuffs to a point that they were ready to snap, and I did tear a rotator cuff. But that’s not from what I did that day. That was from years years of things I did to my shoulder, that had hurt it before. I just didn’t know how hurt it was because there wasn’t any symptom, but that’s kind of the thing. Well, a lot of these do have symptoms. I can sit there and watch someone walk through the door, and I can kinda tell from their gait that what what we could start working on. And then something as simple as saying raising your hands over your head and doing a squat, where do you wanna start stop that squat? Can you go down further than where your hip crease goes below your knees? You can’t.

Allan Misner [00:17:59]:
That’s a problem. If you can, but your face wants to plant on the ground, or is facing down, then there’s some issues there. There’s some some tight muscles and probably some other muscles that we need to strengthen. So usually with a lot of my clients, I will start with a program that’s corrective in in in nature. And then once we get them moving well, now we can start adding load. And then once we add load, you get stronger.

Bernie Borges [00:18:23]:
Okay. Now I know everyone’s unique, but do you see any patterns or consistencies among the decades, forties, fifties, sixties, beyond? Any sort of general trends you see?

Allan Misner [00:18:37]:
Well, there’s there’s 2. One is sitting, and then and then the new one is the the crunched shoulders. We’re all on our devices with our our heads down at the I think, Katie Bowman called it Tech Neck. And it’s just where we’ve collapsed our chest in. We’ve brought our elbows together and to prop up and hold our hands to hold our phone while we type feverishly on some social media something because somebody said something we have to correct. And and and so everybody’s doing this. Now we started with typing and, you know, carpal tunnel, you know, all the things you used to hear about, those were the the overuse injuries we got from doing the same thing over and over. The device has changed, but the overall effect is very similar.

Allan Misner [00:19:28]:
We’re closing our shoulders, our chest is collapsed. That means we’re not breathing well Because you can’t get in a good breath if your chest is collapsed. And you you know, I can tell you right now, you could just if you’ll if you’ll lay on a bench, just, you know, you go to the gym, so you don’t you do this all the time, so probably not as bad. But lay down on a bench, and then your head should rest on that bench. If your head wants to be above the bench, you’ve got tech neck. You know? So that’s the assessment.

Bernie Borges [00:20:00]:
My head definitely rests on the bench.

Allan Misner [00:20:02]:
That’s good. That’s good. Because so many people are looking down at their computers, at their phones, at whatever, and they’re not looking up. They’re not holding their head up. They’re not, you know, pulling from the top of their head, keeping their chin, in a neutral position. And as the result, a lot of them will struggle. They’ll lay down on the bench, and they’ll realize that laying their head flat on the bench because even in bed, we have a pillow under our head to prop it up. Yeah.

Allan Misner [00:20:27]:
And so, you know, it’s just one of those things that, you know, we can work around, we can fix. That’s the thing. Once you know some of these issues, then it it’s a little easier to fix.

Bernie Borges [00:20:38]:
So people this is anecdotal, Alan, but people that I’ve encountered over the years that don’t wanna work out, especially in our midlife seasons, one of 2 reasons usually is what I hear. One is they just don’t wanna work out. They have no interest in working out. They just don’t want to. That’s one reason. The other is, and you’ve heard this, I’m sure, don’t have the time. I’m busy. I don’t have time.

Bernie Borges [00:21:00]:
So what what do you hear? Are those 2, you know, reasons that you hear?

Allan Misner [00:21:05]:
Yeah. I hear a lot of I hear a lot of reasons. I’m a personal trainer, so I hear all of them. Yeah. Those are probably the 2 biggest ones. The first one is you’re not working out your training. And if you’re not training, then basically, you’re gonna go into the game and let the game direct you. You’re not you’re no longer an effective player in your own life.

Allan Misner [00:21:26]:
You’re letting the aging curve take you at whatever pace it wants to go, and you’re going where it wants you to go, which is frail, weak, and not independent. Sorry. But that’s where not doing anything takes you. That’s that’s its job. That’s the aging’s job. You’re not valuable anymore. You’re not contributing. Let’s, let’s send you away.

Allan Misner [00:21:47]:
That’s the, that’s the harsh truth. You know, as a hunter gatherer clan, as we grew up as, if you’re not capable of running around and and doing your load, then we don’t need you. You know? Yeah. Sorry. But that’s what it the other one the other one you talk about is is time. Okay? Yeah. Time time can be a problem, but it’s it’s it’s not a problem of time. It’s a problem of priority.

Allan Misner [00:22:13]:
Okay? Because

Bernie Borges [00:22:14]:
if you

Allan Misner [00:22:15]:
sat down and did a time audit, and I said, okay. I want you to tell me about today. Today is Monday. So what did you do today? Just everything. I was like, just in little half hour increments or 15 minute increments. Just tell me what you did.

Bernie Borges [00:22:29]:

Allan Misner [00:22:30]:
And you’re gonna say, well, there was there was commuting time. There was this time. There was work time because it’s a Monday. All day is a holiday in the United States as we’re recording this, but, yeah, These are this was my Monday, and it’s like, okay. So you got home and what did you do? Well, you know, what I always do. We you know, my wife was cooking dinner, so we sat I sat and watched a little bit of TV with the kids, and then we got them ready for bed. And then we sat and watched a little bit of TV, and then we went to bed. Okay? But there’s always gonna be that thing when you sit there and you actually write it down in that in that time audit, you were like, crap.

Allan Misner [00:23:03]:
I spent 2 hours watching TV today. I could have been on a treadmill while that was happening. Yep. No.

Bernie Borges [00:23:09]:
I I no. I totally agree, and I’ve had similar conversations with with folks. I I say if if you’re if you work in a on a in a desk job or desk environment, you can literally just use your your your arms and just do push ups with your arms on the chair. You can stand up and and do push ups on a desk or even the wall. Right? You can just stand up and do squats just with your own body weight. There’s all kinds of ways to just do a little bit of exercise. And, Health, what I have discovered in these conversations with people who are willing to experiment with that is that once they kinda get the bug, once they start to do it, they realize, okay. Yeah.

Bernie Borges [00:23:51]:
This feels pretty good. I feel better as a result of it. But they just kinda have to get over that hump.

Allan Misner [00:23:57]:
Yeah. Oh, I told my boss. I’m like, I want I want an adjustable desk. No one in the company had one, but I’m like, I I I want one. You know, he said you can outfit your office. I’m like, well, if I got from my office, can I do an adjustable desk? He’s like, sure. Whatever. Suits you.

Allan Misner [00:24:11]:
I got an adjustable desk. And so what that did was some of the time I was sitting, some of the times I was standing, I got myself one of those big bolt balls, you know, balance ball things. And so part of the time I was sitting on that, sometimes sometimes I was sitting on a chair, sometimes I was standing, then I got this little wobble board. And so sometimes I’m standing on the floor, sometimes I’m on this little wobble board. Well, just recently, I bought a under desk, treadmill. So sometimes I’m standing here like I am right now, sometimes I’ve got the treadmill going.

Bernie Borges [00:24:40]:

Allan Misner [00:24:40]:
It’s just those little things. And, you know, yeah, people are gonna ask questions. That’s good. That’s good. Because you know what happened when we moved offices? About a half a dozen people asked for adjustable desks in the new office. Mhmm. They’re like, we have we’re changing all the furniture to make it all the same. So, Alan, you can’t take your adjustable desk, but that’s okay.

Allan Misner [00:24:58]:
We’ve had enough requests for adjustable desks that we’re buying some to make sure that the people who want them can have one. I said, put myself on the list. There were about a a half a dozen of us in our office that all had adjustable desks now because they saw that I had one, and they wanted one. So, you know, not that you can change the culture of a company with just half a dozen people, but there’s half a dozen people that had adjustable desk that wouldn’t even thought about it. And it was just enough to say, hey. Up 30 minutes, down 30 minutes. Up 30 minutes, down 30 minutes. And that’s the movement.

Allan Misner [00:25:30]:
You’re gonna go get a new coffee, another coffee to freshen up in the morning. Okay. Do do 5 squats, 10 squats, whatever you can do. You’re gonna go to the bathroom. Okay. When you get back from the bathroom, I want 5 push ups. They can be regular push ups or on your knees. Don’t care.

Allan Misner [00:25:47]:
When you finish your lunch, okay, you finish your lunch, just go for a 5 minute walk. Raining outside, that’s okay. There’s a stairwell up and down, up and down. Exactly. Yep. Yep. You know? You get mad at somebody instead of sitting there in your office, throwing things around, get in the stairwell and start running steps. You’ll get unmad pretty quick, because you’ll burn off all that cortisol.

Allan Misner [00:26:07]:
So these little short things and and, yeah, you might get a little little glisten. We’re not gonna call it sweaty, but a little glisten if you run it up and down the stairs in the stairwell, it’s not air conditioned. But it’s just an opportunity to teach your body that it’s okay. You can move. You can do things. You’re not stuck in this cave not going anywhere because that’s the worst thing for your body.

Bernie Borges [00:26:30]:
Alan, I wanna share a data point, and then I’m gonna ask you for a closing thought here. And this data point is you you probably know this data point. It’s a United States data point. In the US, according to the CDC, the Centers For Disease Control, 60% of Americans don’t do the minimum requirement of daily or weekly exercise. 60%. That is way too high of a portion of the United States population. So closing thought for you. Share closing thought on how can people, whether they’re in the US or not, impact that, and, of course, share how people can connect with you and just get into your world.

Allan Misner [00:27:09]:
Right. So I’m gonna tell you that that CDC level is, like, the bare minimum. It’s, like, just enough to stay alive.

Bernie Borges [00:27:17]:
Right. Right.

Allan Misner [00:27:18]:
And and to reflect that in another stat that is just, to me is just horrifying is that by 2,030, which sounds like a long way away, but it’s it’s only 6 years from now.

Bernie Borges [00:27:29]:
That’s right.

Allan Misner [00:27:30]:
Half of Americans will be obese.

Bernie Borges [00:27:35]:
Yeah. I agree with that.

Allan Misner [00:27:36]:
It’s not just us. It’s not just midlifers. This is all Americans. So this is the kids. Right.

Bernie Borges [00:27:41]:

Allan Misner [00:27:41]:
is the people in their twenties thirties. This is everybody. So half of us. So, you know, at that point, I’m guessing what would be somewhere around 350,000,000 or 3.30 something now. I don’t know. But that’s 175,000,000 people in this country in the United States will be obese. And we’re obese because we’re eating crap. And we’re obese because we’re just not moving much.

Allan Misner [00:28:07]:
And you can say, I hate move. I hate exercise. I hate, you know, I don’t have time. You can make every excuse that you want. Yep. You know, it just doesn’t care. It’s not gonna do what you ask it to do. You have to tell it what you want.

Allan Misner [00:28:24]:
And you tell it what you want by your actions, by what you eat, how you move, how you sleep, how you manage stress. And maybe the biggest one is that voice in your head that tells you what you you think about you. You say things to yourself that you would never say to your best friend. If you said the things that you say in your head to yourself, to your spouse, she’d leave you today. You know? And so the whole point is we have to be kind to ourselves. We have to treat this body as the one thing we have Mhmm. That nobody can really take away from us except ourselves. So eat a little better, move a little more, sleep a little better, manage stress a little better.

Allan Misner [00:29:09]:
And over time, your body will repay you by helping improve your health. That’s one of the most beautiful, wonderful things about the human body is that we have the capacity to heal. We have the capacity to get better as we get older. If we just put in a little bit of effort, our body will return it tenfold. So little investments now means you’re living the life you want to live later. So when you’re 80 something, you’re still golfing. When you’re 90 something, you’re still making it to the bathroom on time. Mhmm.

Allan Misner [00:29:39]:
You know, sit, squat, poop, wipe up, out. You know, the way you do it now, you’ll be doing it then, but it takes a little bit of effort. Look. We call it training, not exercise. And it takes eating the right food so that you’re making sure your body has what it needs to be healthy.

Bernie Borges [00:29:57]:
Yeah. Exactly. Mick Jagger is 80 years old. He’s still doing concerts, rocking and rolling on stage. He’s he’s he’s amazing.

Allan Misner [00:30:05]:
The end is possible. It’s about, like, I saw Rod Stewart, and and he’s got a little kid. So he’s out there playing soccer with a little kid. He took a soccer ball from the stage and literally kicked it to the upper deck. This dude is amazing Wow. Because he’s putting in the time and effort to be the father, to be the participant in his kid’s age, in his kid’s life, not a spectator. So everybody who says, oh, that’s too old to have kids. Rod Stewart is better than just, I’d say, 90% of the dads out there and that he’s keeping up with his kids and not spectating.

Allan Misner [00:30:38]:
But if you wanna get in touch with me, I’m obviously at But I set up a special page to kinda see you can go one place and find everything. So if you go to 40plusfitness.comforward/ okay. So 40plusfitness.comforward/midlifefulfilled, no spaces. That’s just gonna take you to a basic landing page where you’ll be able to see, where my podcast is, the 40 plus fitness podcast. You’ll be able to see my training. I I wrote a book called, the wellness roadmap. So a lot of the stuff that I do and a quiz that will help you kinda figure out some of the mindset stuff where all this really starts.

Allan Misner [00:31:15]:
Because like I said, I wanted or decided I was gonna take care of myself, but until I committed and I made some changes in my head, none of this would have been possible for me. Yep. Yep. A lot of that’s there on that page. Go ahead.

Bernie Borges [00:31:32]:
No. Thank you so much. We’ll make sure that that is linked up in the show notes, Alan. Thank you so much, Alan, for joining me on this episode of Maximum Episode of the Midlife of Health podcast. You’re doing a lot of good in this world. You’re helping a lot of people get and stay fit and just be healthy and enjoy their life. So thank you for your contribution.

Allan Misner [00:31:53]:
Thank you. You too, Bernie.


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