This week’s guest is Michelle Brigman. Michelle has had a successful career in corporate positions with global brands. One day she realized that she wasn’t fulfilled. She liked her job but she realized that her happiness tank was empty.
After a doctor’s examination concluded that she was “healthy” (in the traditional sense) she explored an alternative medicine professional. She was advised to adopt a new lifestyle diet. She even took a special course through The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and got certified in this lifestyle diet and it changed her life.
She shared her story with other successful women in corporate roles and learned that many of them enjoyed a full bank account but – like Michelle – they suffered from an empty happiness tank.
Michelle created the Brave Balanced Women community, where women of like-mind come together to build successful chapters in their life according to their definition of success, not what others expect of them. The result is a community of women with full happiness tanks!
Michelle’s BF to AF midlife story is inspiring. You’re going to enjoy it!
Check out Michelle Brigman’s and Fawn Germer’s Hard Won Wisdom Podcast
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Music attribution: Scott Holmes Music
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