Paul Epstein Episode 27 Midlife Fulfilled Podcast with Bernie Borges

Ep. 27 Chase significance over success to find fulfillment in midlife 👏🏼

Listen to Paul explain "why" we need to know our "why" in the current season of our midlife. He even supplies a free resource to help us discover our why. It's linked up in the show notes below.

This week’s guest is Paul Epstein.  Paul had a life-changing experience when he attended an offsite meeting in 2016 while he was in a sales leadership role at the San Francisco 49ers. During this meeting, he discovered his “why.” 

When he returned to the office, he shared this revelation with his team. One by one, people began asking him to help them discover their why. 

What began as a passion project for Paul became his calling. Now Paul impacts thousands by helping them discover their “why” AND their “purpose.” 

In this episode Paul drops some truth bombs that will stop you in your tracks and cause you to ask yourself these questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What do you stand for?
  • How do you show up? 

Listen to Paul explain “why” we need to know our “why” in the current season of our midlife. He even supplies a free resource to help us discover our why. It’s linked up below. I took advantage of this resource and discovered that my why is “making sense.” 

What is your why? Email me if you want to share your why with me. 

Follow Paul Epstein on LinkedIn
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Check out Paul Epstein’s Playmakers on Purpose Podcast
Visit Paul Epstein Speaks website
Discover your why at the Why Institute (free resource)

Check out my website designer & developer Danielle Devening-Limon
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Music attribution: Scott Holmes Music

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