Accelerate Your Career Change:

The Midlife Career Reboot Workbook

The One Workbook You Need to Make the Right Career Change in This Chapter of Your Life

Introducing the Midlife Career Reboot Workbook, a FREE resource (valued at $27) curated meticulously to propel your journey of career transformation.

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Midlife Career Reboot Workbook
  • Are you feeling stuck or plateaued in the mid-stage of your career?

  • Are you in a role that no longer aligns with your values or interests, causing you to be disengaged and unfulfilled?

  • Do you struggle with a lack of clarity in your mid-stage career, making it challenging to pursue meaningful goals?

  • Are you experiencing a poor balance between professional commitments and personal life, causing stress and undermining overall well-being?

  • Do you feel apprehensive about making a mid-stage career change, despite a strong desire for change?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Midlife Career Reboot Workbook is for you because you deserve a fulfilling career!

The notion of a fulfilling career shouldn’t be a distant dream when you’re over 40. This workbook is your catalyst for a change in career, a ladder to significant career growth, and your blueprint for a pragmatic career development plan. It’s an invitation to break free from the shackles of an unfulfilling mid-stage career and a tool to carve a path to your next chapter that resonates with your core values.

I’m Bernie Borges, host of the Midlife Fulfilled podcast. I rebooted my career twice in the past seven years. I wrote this workbook to share my practical method. Anyone in a knowledge worker role (individual contributor or leadership) can use it.

In the Midlife Career Reboot Workbook, I give you:

A 5-Step Reboot Framework for Midlife Professionals: A systematic approach to reinvigorate your career trajectory, meticulously designed for the mid-stage professional.

Step-by-Step Implementation Worksheets: Practical, actionable worksheets enabling you to translate insights into action steps, guiding you through each phase of your career reboot.

Expert Guidance and Informed Perspective from a High-Achieving Professional: Benefit from my personal experience and decades of accrued wisdom as a successful professional, shared with you to enable your own career change.

"After years of loving what I do, I found myself in need of change. I was feeling stagnant and directionless, and I didn't know how to move to the next phase of my creative career. With Bernie's workbook, I have been able to identify my unique strengths, reframe my barriers, and shift my mindset. This reboot has equipped me with the confidence and strategic insights needed to make bolder moves and see opportunities where I didn't see them before. I'm finally on a path that aligns perfectly with my passions and aspirations."

Danielle Devening-Limon
Brand Strategist & UX Designer & Web Creative
Midlife Career Reboot Workbook

If you’re ready for a midlife career change, now’s the time to start taking action!

Enter your best email below, and I’ll send the Midlife Career Reboot Workbook straight to your inbox.


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The Midlife Career Reboot Workbook

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