
Transform Your Multigenerational Workforce

Fulfillment Centric Leadership™

Drive organizational success with a customized fulfillment centric leadership consultation or workshop that transforms leaders. Bernie Borges delivers actionable leadership strategies grounded in the five key pillars tailored to your team’s needs. Perfect for leadership retreats, executive workshops,  corporate training programs, and new-year kickoffs seeking lasting impact.

Give your leaders the strategies and insights they need to become fulfillment-centric leaders to foster a more loyal, and productive workplace that retains and attracts talent.

One-Day Fulfillment Centric Leadership™ Workshop

Bernie’s keynote presentation can be delivered in an all-day leadership workshop format. Empower your leaders to become fulfillment-centric leaders to optimize multigenerational employee fulfillment with a tailored one-day workshop. Designed specifically for your organization’s culture, this immersive experience will equip leaders with the strategies and tools needed to improve their team’s fulfillment and well-being across the five pillars of midlife: health, fitness, career, relationships, and legacy to foster a more fulfilling, loyal, and productive work environment and improved retention.

Intergenerational Fulfillment Centric Leadership Consultation and Coaching

Workshop Highlights

Bernie’s keynote presentation can be delivered in an all-day leadership workshop format. Empower your leaders to become fulfillment-centric leaders to optimize multigenerational employee fulfillment with a tailored one-day workshop. Designed specifically for your organization’s culture, this immersive experience will equip leaders with the strategies needed to improve their team’s fulfillment and well-being across the five pillars of midlife: health, fitness, career, relationships, and legacy to foster a more fulfilling, loyal, and productive workplace with greater retention.

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The Midlife Career Reboot Workbook

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