Bernie Borges | Episode 93 | Midlife Fulfilled Podcast

Ep 93 Vanity is Not the Only Motivation for Your Midlife Fitness Health

It's important to understand your "why" when it comes to exercise. Committing to an exercise routine that benefits both your body and brain is key.

This is my takeaway episode pertaining to episode 92 with Jay Croft. Here are three key takeaways that really resonated with me.

1️⃣ The focus of our fitness plan in midlife should be on maintaining a functional body rather than pursuing vanity-related goals like having big muscles or a six-pack. It’s about ensuring our bodies can perform daily tasks and enjoy life as we age.

2️⃣ It’s very important to understand your “why” when it comes to exercise. Discovering your motivation and committing to an exercise routine that benefits both your body and brain is key.

3️⃣ Age-related loss of muscle mass, starts after age thirty, with muscle loss ranging from 3 to 5% per decade. I shared two Harvard Medical study excerpts and one from NIH that explain risks associated with muscle loss, such as decreased mobility, fractures, and falls. Fortunately, exercise is proven to protect memory and thinking skills.

My challenge to you is to know your why for exercise. I assure you that when you know your why, you will be and will remain committed to exercise in midlife.

If you enjoyed these takeaways, share this episode with a friend, and don’t forget to subscribe to the Midlife Fulfilled newsletter for more fantastic content. 👇🏼

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Visit Jay’s Website Prime Fit Content
Listen to Jay’s Podcast 
The Optimal Aging Podcast
Harvard Medical School: 
Staying Healthy: Preserve Your Muscle Mass
Menopause: Loss of Muscle Mass in Women
Harvard Medical School: 
Exercise Changes the Brain to Improve Memory and Thinking Skills

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Music attribution:
Scott Holmes Music
Eyes Wide Shut
Old Bossa Twin Musicom


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