Joe Hoye | Midlife Women's Fitness Coach | Midlife Fulfilled Podcast

Ep 150 This 29-Year-Old Man Empowers Midlife Women through Fitness

Joe Hoye is a 29-year-old man whose expertise is coaching midlife women to achieve weight loss and lifestyle improvements through tailored coaching.

Joe Hoye is a 29-year-old man whose expertise is coaching midlife women to sustainable fitness and weight loss. Joe’s journey to fitness started at the age of 13 when he was the smallest and least athletic among his friends and brothers. Tired of being picked on and ridiculed, Joe became determined to gain size and strength. He fell in love with the gym and dedicated himself to working out as much as possible from the ages of 13 to 19. Despite his efforts, he struggled to gain size. This obstacle fueled his passion for fitness and eventually led him to uncover the secrets to building muscle and transforming his physique. Today, Joe Hoye is a successful fitness coach and motivational speaker, inspiring mostly women to overcome their own obstacles and achieve their fitness goals.

Our key discussion points include:

1️⃣ Science-Based Experience: Joe’s passion for fitness stemmed from his own journey with weight gain and weight loss. He found success through his research and trial and error. His career background as a surgery assistant and acquired knowledge of women’s health issues contributed to his expertise in health coaching for midlife women, especially those going through menopause.

2️⃣ Challenges of Midlife Women: Joe discusses the common challenges faced by midlife women in their weight loss journeys. He emphasizes the impact of stress, misconceptions about weight loss, lifestyle management, and the importance of mindset in achieving sustainable fitness and health goals.

3️⃣ Personalized Coaching: Joe emphasizes the value of personalized one-on-one coaching in helping women navigate the complexities of their health and fitness goals. He shares success stories of clients who achieved significant weight loss and lifestyle improvements through tailored coaching that addresses their unique circumstances, challenges, and preferences.

Catch my midweek takeaway episode from my conversation with Joe Hoye.

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Watch the replay of this live event: 2024 Career Planning for a More Fulfilling Life

Click or tap here to download the 5-Step Career Reboot Checklist.

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Episode Transcript

Bernie Borges [00:00:01]:
Joe Hoi. Welcome to the Midlife Fulfill podcast, a maximum episode.

Joe Hoye [00:00:06]:
Thank you very much, Bernie. Happy to be here.

Bernie Borges [00:00:09]:
Happy to have you, Joe. Although I do wanna mention right out of the gate that we are cheating a little bit today, Joe. We are cheating, and I think you know what I mean by that. This is the Midlife Fulfilled podcast. And, Joe, you are a 29 year old individual. And as a 29 year old man, you have built a health coaching and weight loss business that’s focused on women. And specifically, women and moms that are entering or even past menopause. In other words, they’re midlife women.

Bernie Borges [00:00:44]:
And you’re focused on helping them regain control over their body, their midsection, their fitness. Joe, you must have an amazing story behind that because as a 29 year old man focused on helping midlife women Get fit. There’s gotta be a story there. So let’s start there. Give us that backstory.

Joe Hoye [00:01:07]:
Yeah. Exactly. So I’ve been doing this for about 5 years now. You are not the 1st person to share that surprise. Right? So I was pretty used to it. Three part story here. So number 1, growing up, I grew up mostly with my mom. I had 2 stepbrothers that were in the house, and They would spend a week with us and then a week over at their other parents’ house.

Joe Hoye [00:01:29]:
And 1 week when they were gone, I was 13 years old, it was 7 o’clock at night give or take. And, I told my mom, I was like, hey, mom, my brothers are gone. My homework’s done. I don’t have anything to do. I’m kind of bored. What should I do? And she looked at me, she gave me a little smirk and she’s like, well, you have 2 choices. You can stay here and you can make your own fun, or I’m going to the gym and so you can join me at the gym. And I think we all know the answer that I chose.

Joe Hoye [00:01:53]:
I chose the gym. And from that day forward, I absolutely fell in love with it. So

Bernie Borges [00:01:58]:
And you were 13?

Joe Hoye [00:02:00]:
I was 13. Exactly. And so a little bit of background there. I was I was the smallest of my friends, the smallest of my brothers, the least athletic, the skinniest. And so as a as a boy growing up, you want to be the complete opposite of all of that. And so I got picked on ridicule to no extent, and I wanted to gain sizes badly as anybody else. And so that’s, I think, why I fell in love with the gym because I saw the potential there. But from 13 to 19, I went to the gym as much as I could, and I never gained any size.

Joe Hoye [00:02:27]:
So I graduated high school at about a £145. And when I graduated, I started pursuing a career in surgery, Helping the doctor with procedures. And so for that, I had to get an understanding of how the human body worked. I had to take a few nutrition courses. And While it was very interesting, very fun for my career, it was also good for my passion. And so I finally learned how to manipulate my body in a way that I thought I wanted. So I went from a 145 pounds at 19. I started actually giving my body what I thought it needed, and I started gaining weight, but I ended up gaining too much, and I went from a 145 all the way up to 225.

Joe Hoye [00:03:08]:
And so Oh, wow. I went from too skinny to too fat, was still unhappy with myself, and I had a new problem. Now I didn’t know how to lose weight. So I tried all the diets, all the programs out there. Of course, none of them helped me just like none of them have probably helped any of the listeners. And, eventually, I just went back to trying things on my own, and I struck gold. I went from 225 down to the 190 pounds that I am now. I became confident, energetic, happy, healthy, everything I wanted to be.

Joe Hoye [00:03:36]:
Growing up in a small town, everybody started to notice because they knew me as a kid. They’re like, Joe, you went from really skinny, you went from fat, and now Look at you. Your confidence shows. You have muscles. You look good. You look healthy and happy. How did you do it? And I’d always had a bit of an entrepreneurial itch, and so when enough people had asked me, how’d you do it, Joe? I figured I had something there. Right? So Mhmm.

Joe Hoye [00:04:01]:
I started running these group programs, and, transparently, I thought I won

Bernie Borges [00:04:05]:
the Nobel Prize. In the meantime, you you walked away from surgery?

Joe Hoye [00:04:09]:
Oh, no. I was still in surgery. So I had graduated college, got a career in surgery. That’s part 2 or 3 depending on how you want me to tell the story.

Bernie Borges [00:04:16]:

Joe Hoye [00:04:17]:
And, We’ll we’ll go to that.

Bernie Borges [00:04:18]:
So Okay.

Joe Hoye [00:04:20]:
In surgery, it was a team of myself and 5 other girls that had the role that I did. I was a surgical technologist. And so in the operating room of the hospital we worked at, it was very small. Our job was usually to just set up the operating room for the doctor. But we worked at such a small hospital. We had no residents. We had no PAs. And so there is usually 2 of us in a room, 1 setting up the table, the other helping the doctor with the procedure.

Joe Hoye [00:04:45]:
And for some reason, of the 6 person team, 5 being females, 1 being me, they decided it was a great idea to stick me inside the OB and GYN based rooms. And so for the next 4 years, I was spending 40 hours a week, Monday through Friday, plus on call emergency surgery with these doctors that had dedicated their life to understanding the female body, How it works, and I was soaking up as much as I possibly could, which gave me a massive understanding to how the female body at midlife worked. And then part 3, going back to how I had started running these group challenges. I was still working in surgery. I was doing this on the side, And I thought that I wanted to help people like me, skinny kids, gain some muscle, and avoid gaining the fat. And so I started running these. I would just advertise the only way I knew and say, hey, guys. This was my transformation.

Joe Hoye [00:05:35]:
This is what I experienced. This is how I can help you. And I was ready to have all the local guys flood in and become fit and healthy like me. And so my first challenge started, And the only people that were in that group were ladies that were 40 plus. And at first, I panicked. I was like, well, This isn’t what I wanted. How did this happen? But I rolled with that. I said, well, I think I can still help them, and it turns out I could.

Joe Hoye [00:06:01]:
I helped them in a massive way, And at the end of 6 weeks of the 1st challenge, I had such an amazing time. And I think it’s just because growing up with a very strong female influence, I learned to communicate in a way that they communicate, and so every single thing came together. I had the fitness and nutrition understanding, I communicated well with these ladies, And most of the time, I understood what their bodies were going through better than they did. And so it’s not really like I chose this demographic. It’s more like They chose me in a way.

Bernie Borges [00:06:31]:
They chose you. Yeah. Yeah. That is a fascinating story, Joe, and I’m really glad that I’m hearing the details of it for the first time as we are recording this podcast because I there’s so many things that are running through my head. You say you’ve been doing this for about 5 years now, right?

Joe Hoye [00:06:48]:

Bernie Borges [00:06:49]:
Okay. So, give us look, this podcast is for men and women. So guys, don’t tune out. You have women in your life that probably need to hear this podcast. So stay with us guys. Ladies, stay with us as well. Joe, what are the things that you encounter? What are the things that you’re experiencing as you’re helping women over 40 get fit?

Joe Hoye [00:07:17]:
Yeah. So there’s there’s a quite a few things. So number 1, most of the ladies that are over 40 and they’re trying to lose weight, This isn’t their 1st rodeo. Like, they’ve tried to lose weight for months or years before. And so generally, the things that they’ve tried to do to lose weight is just massively restrict calories in one way or another, whether that’s no, you can’t have carbs, no, you can’t have fats, you can’t eat at certain times, you can have certain types of food, And all that does is create a massive stress on the body. And so specifically with ladies entering in or past menopause, There’s already enough stress going on. And so in a high stress state, the body does not respond the way that we want it to. And so that’s the number 1 problem is taking the body from a high stress state back into feeling good and comfortable with the things that are going on, which then makes weight loss a whole lot easier.

Joe Hoye [00:08:08]:
The 2 other main things that I see are gonna be ladies doing massive amounts of cardio, thinking that that’s going to be the answer for fat loss, when in reality, it could be a solution for weight loss, but weight loss is a massively different thing than fat loss. Because if we’re losing weight, we can lose 1 of 3 things, fat, muscle, or water. And really, the only thing that we wanna lose is fat, and cardio does not help with that. So that’s the third the second thing. And then the third thing is just overall lifestyle management and habits. A lot of people think that they’re doing the right things, and it’s not their fault that they think that. I mean, we’ve been taught to think that from the diet and weight loss industry for years, When in reality, this whole thing could be pretty simple, and it doesn’t need to stress anybody out.

Bernie Borges [00:08:55]:
And on the lifestyle piece, Is is mindset a part of that or would you call that out to be something different?

Joe Hoye [00:09:03]:
What I I don’t know if I would group it in with lifestyle, but it’s gonna be massive. Right? Because if we go in with the mindset of, I need the next quick fix, We’re probably just gonna set ourself up for failure. If we go in with the mindset of, well, nothing else has worked, why would this? Again, we’re gonna set ourself up for failure. We always wanna have a growth mindset. Right? Thinking that, yes, we can do this. All we need to do is learn what works for us, and we’ll succeed. So That’s absolutely massive.

Bernie Borges [00:09:31]:
Yeah. No. I I I can absolutely see why it would be. I mean, mindset is huge in anything that we set out to do. So, give us some some of your experience. Again, you’ve been doing this for about 5 years now. About how many how many women have you worked with in that Span of time.

Joe Hoye [00:09:50]:
So in the 1st three and a half to 4 years, it was a massive amount because I was running those group challenges, and I would have anywhere from A 150 to 250 ladies per group, and so I’d run those multiple times a year. At this point, we dialed back into 1 on 1 coaching, And it’s because I made the promise when I started this that I wanted to help as many lives as possible in as big of a way as possible. And Transparently, running the group challenges, we had a lot of ladies that got great results, but then there were also ladies that didn’t get the attention they needed to succeed, And that’s not their fault. That’s my fault. And so when I realized that, I quickly made the switch to go into 1 on 1 coaching. Of course, I’m impacting less people that way because I only have much time in the day, but the impact I make on those people is much larger. So to answer your question, it’s it’s well over a couple thousand. At this point, we’re probably serving a couple 100 per year.

Bernie Borges [00:10:45]:
Okay. And, and are there some common themes if you will, Joe? Common sort of, experiences that you’re having now that you’re doing the 1 on 1 coaching. Again, everybody’s unique, of course, but To the point that you explained giving us the background, the context for your story. Yeah. You learned about, You know, women’s body and and what, you know, what’s going on. So there must be some common elements to, I’ll call it a program, if you will, when you’re working with, women 1 on 1.

Joe Hoye [00:11:18]:
Yeah. Absolutely. And so some of this will fit with even the men that are listening too. But For anybody, we always wanna start with the basics. Right? We’re not just gonna dive into this advanced protocol without addressing sleep, nutrition, Exercise, stress management, and hydration, that’s at the pillar of everybody’s program. After that, if somebody’s still pretty resistant To weight loss, then we’re gonna start to look at things like metabolic health, hormonal health, and gut health. And so those 3 are pretty common. Some of that comes from entering in or past menopause.

Joe Hoye [00:11:51]:
Some of that comes from dieting for years, and the mix of those 2 Often creates a little bit of a storm, but it’s nothing that we can’t undo.

Bernie Borges [00:12:00]:
Okay. Well, Jay, as you know, and, anybody who’s listened to this podcast For any period of time knows that I talk about the 5 pillars of midlife and they are health, fitness, Career relationships and legacy. And I’ve been asked more than once, Joe, why do I break out fitness? Why isn’t fitness part of Health. And I respond honestly, Joe, and I say, well, you know, it is. Fitness is part of health, but it’s it’s more than that. And unfortunately in the US, 60% of US adults don’t do just the minimal, expectation of any exercise. That’s that’s a pretty large chunk of the population. And consequently, there’s all kinds of health repercussions from that.

Bernie Borges [00:12:46]:
So, yes, it is tied to health. But then again, I break up health into both physical health and mental health. Right? So that’s why I break fitness out into its own bucket because it can impact Us in many ways. Even our relationships. I mean, you told your story. What did working out with your mom do to your relationship with your mom?

Joe Hoye [00:13:05]:
I mean, of course, it made its way closer. We had this next level of things that we had in common. And so I would say, mom, Look, I’m getting stronger. And so she would she would do the same thing. She did look, Joe, like, you taught me how to do this, and now I’m stronger because of it. And so it was great.

Bernie Borges [00:13:20]:
I have no doubt that she was very proud of you for the commitment that you made and just, you know, the the The the work that you put in in the gym. Because clearly it was something that was important to her and then it became important to you. So Again, I’m I’m I’m making the connection there that fitness does certainly impact health, but also can impact the other pillars as well. So that’s why I was really interested in having this conversation with you, Joe, on the podcast because you are focused exclusively on fitness And you’re focused on fitness on people over 40. Although, I do know that it’s primarily women. You did mention, if I remember correctly in our prep call, That you’ve also worked with a few men along the way, or did I imagine that?

Joe Hoye [00:14:06]:
No. I definitely have. Right now we have, believe it’s 3 men in the program. And so a lot of the things that we preach and teach and believe in are going to apply to men and women of any age. Right? So it’s not that I can’t help that population. It’s just that I’ve really dedicated myself to knowing the ins and outs of what A female in menopause might be experiencing. But, yeah, we can absolutely get results for a man as well.

Bernie Borges [00:14:33]:
Understood. Okay. Alright. And so maybe you can share an example or 2. Let’s keep the identity out, but really for storytelling. You know, just To help the listener sort of understand what some of the people that you’ve worked with have actually experienced.

Joe Hoye [00:14:53]:
Yeah. Absolutely. So, gosh, the 1st person that comes to mind, and she only does because I was just kinda bragging about her today in our community, is I’m just gonna call her client Health. And she had a crazy life. She had a really high level job. She was the vice president of a big company. She had to travel an hour to and from work every single day. And then about 2 months into our coaching,

Bernie Borges [00:15:14]:
her partner decided was she?

Joe Hoye [00:15:16]:
She’s mid fifties, low fifties.

Bernie Borges [00:15:19]:
Okay. Yeah. Okay.

Joe Hoye [00:15:20]:
Her and her partner decided that things weren’t working out. And so they were starting to get a divorce and things started to get And so the whole thing about you and me talking earlier about stress management became crucial.

Bernie Borges [00:15:31]:

Joe Hoye [00:15:31]:
Right? Because now not only are we looking at Nutrition, exercise, sleep, but stress is through the roof, and so we need to find ways to bring that down. So we manage that. At the same time, her 1 son is graduating high school and going into college, so there’s another fitness, like her baby’s leaving the house. And all throughout this, she’s eating more food. And in the beginning, no, this is, this is a good thing. This is on my watch. The beginning, she came to me. She wasn’t eating that much food.

Joe Hoye [00:16:01]:
And I said, well, clientele, if you’re eating 1200 calories and you’re not losing weight, your body’s probably pretty stressed And you should be losing weight, so we need to do something about this. And so we ended up working her up to over 2,000 calories a day. And even though she had all of these things going on, she ended up feeling better. Right? So she had this divorce happening. Her son was going away to college, and Somehow by eating more food, she was more focused at work. She was sleeping better at night. She was actually feeling hungrier, but her cravings were gone. And by the time we finished our coaching, She had lost £35.

Joe Hoye [00:16:35]:
And so that’s something I see a lot is that at midlife, there is a lot of changes going on. Right. And so I was recently on another podcast and the host referred to it almost as a 2nd or a 3rd puberty because there’s so many changes in the body going on. There’s so many changes in life happening and it’s just stressful. Right? So Yeah. That’s definitely true for client l. And then the next, I guess I could share a gentleman. The other guy that we worked with, he was going through a divorce as well, and He wasn’t confident in himself.

Joe Hoye [00:17:08]:
He had about a £100 to lose, and he’s like, well, I’m going through this divorce. I don’t think I’m ever gonna find anybody again. I don’t know what to do. And before, he was eating roughly 35 100 calories a day, so he was overeating. He wasn’t doing any exercise. He was smoking cigarettes. And so eating a lot of food is gonna make you full, feel a little bit groggy. Not moving your body is gonna make you feel a little bit rusty.

Joe Hoye [00:17:32]:
Then we all know that smoking isn’t the best choice. And so we started addressing those things. We started with really simple steps. Right? Get on your lunch break. You live in a nice warm area. Go for a walk outside. 10 minutes, that’s all we need. We worked up to twice a day, 3 times a day.

Joe Hoye [00:17:48]:
Eventually, by the end of our coaching, he did a triathlon. That was not my idea. Wow. That was his.

Bernie Borges [00:17:55]:
Yep. Triathlon.

Joe Hoye [00:17:56]:
Yep. There was a sprint triathlon.

Bernie Borges [00:17:59]:
That’s So blown away. It was incredible. Weight did he lose?

Joe Hoye [00:18:03]:
He lost £45. Wow. And so that was when we were done coaching. We haven’t spoken a bit, but last time we did, he had lost another 10 or 15.

Bernie Borges [00:18:14]:
Yeah. So I guess a a common theme just in those 2 stories, and I’m hearing those stories for the first time, Joe, as you know. Well, I want my listener to know that. A common theme is there’s sort of a holistic view of what’s going on in someone’s life. It’s not just the the stage of life you’re in and what your body is experiencing, but what are you experiencing as a human being at this stage in your life. What are the the emotional stresses? What’s working? What’s not working right now? Which stresses? Right? So it’s it’s looking at all of that. So clearly, you’ve got a very holistic approach to it, and clearly that that resonates with the people that you’re serving. And I really appreciate, and I’m I’m gonna use the word respect, Joe.

Bernie Borges [00:19:05]:
I really respect the fact that you’re working with people 1 on 1. Because to the point you made earlier, you can provide them the attention that clearly they need. And what I’m hearing is that That attention is effective. That when you work with them individually, you’re putting together an individualized Plan for them, and then you’re able to coach them. And I think I’m hearing that you’re also holding them accountable to it. Is that right?

Joe Hoye [00:19:34]:
Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, giving somebody a plan saying, okay, go do this. Even if that plan is perfect, 9 times out of 10 isn’t gonna work. They’re gonna need to know how to get past hurdles. They’re going to experience hurdles that myself and them didn’t expect. And if they have no support or accountability in their life, it’s gonna be really easy to give up. But if they know that I’m gonna check-in with them in a day or two, or get on a call with them in a week.

Joe Hoye [00:20:01]:
They have something to look forward to. And it’s not that they’re afraid to jump on the call and say, no, I didn’t do this. It’s more that they’re excited to jump on the call and say, yes, I accomplished this. Look at what I did.

Bernie Borges [00:20:11]:
Yeah. Yeah. No. That makes sense. That makes sense. So Do you ever experience people who go through sort of a roller coaster? Maybe they start out strong and then maybe they back off a little bit, or something else comes up, some other life event comes up, and, you know, how do you deal with that? Because You are dealing with people at a stage of life where you used, you know, clientele as an example where the divorce, her son, You know, graduating from from college and or high school to going to college. So things can happen just in the period of time that You’re working with them. And so how do you handle the roller coaster potential of their life events?

Joe Hoye [00:20:55]:
Yeah. I love that. And so this is a perfect time to be talking about this for anybody listening. Number 1, before we even accept a client into our program, We explained that we’re not gonna be the quick fix. Right? We understand things are gonna happen. We understand that fat loss isn’t a Lightning fast process, but we do let people know that we are the fix. And so what that means is that we’re gonna help them succeed through those hard things, through a divorce, Through your kid leaving the house and going to college. Through the holidays, which is why I say this is a great time because for most of our clients, we don’t like going from 2 extremes.

Joe Hoye [00:21:30]:
And what I mean by that Is during the holidays, most people are gonna gain weight. And so if they usually gain weight, it’s not realistic to expect them to lose weight. So instead, We’ve brought our clients back to maintenance, made their life a whole lot more easy and enjoyable. And so if they can instead maintain their weight at the time that they would usually gain, So holidays, stress, a loss, any turbulence Midlife, that’s still massive success. And so it’s almost like reframing what they See as success and explaining to them, look, you didn’t get to where you are in a week, in a month, in 2 months. We need close to the same amount of time for some people.

Bernie Borges [00:22:10]:
How do you see people committing to the the exercise part of the program? Right? Because To your point, there’s there’s nutrition, there’s sleep, and then there’s exercise. You use the example of, I think it was Kleinelle who was a busy executive. A lot of people are in that boat, Joe. A lot of people are in the boat of being busy. Especially in this season of life, some people are are sandwiched It’s right between either their kids and their parents or their job and whatever it may be. And so that limited time Factor is very, very common. How how do you deal with that? Especially when you’ve got the actual exercise part of the program that you wanna hold your clients accountable to.

Joe Hoye [00:22:53]:
Absolutely. So number 1 for clientele, I got lucky there because she loved it. So that was where she spent her free time. We switched her exercise. Right? So in the beginning, I talked about Cardio, I would prefer to see these ladies doing more strength training than cardio. That’s not to say we can’t do any, but cardio is gonna be the best. And so we switched to that. She absolutely loved it.

Joe Hoye [00:23:13]:
For the people that don’t love exercise though and do have a similar life decline l, my thought is that most people just don’t love exercise because they haven’t found the type Enjoy. And so it’s my job or our job to work together and communicate and find something that they can enjoy. Because at that point, when you like what you do, You don’t have to worry about doing it or not. You are excited to get home and do the thing. And so that can look like so many different things, and it’s just finding out what that is.

Bernie Borges [00:23:40]:
Yeah. I I agree with you a 100%. And just speaking from my own personal experience, although I come at it from a different place because I’ve been actively working out for decades. But the thing that motivates me, Joe, and I can’t work out at this stage of my life the way I worked out years ago, but I still work out. And what motivates me and tell me if this is something you’ve heard from your some of your clients is how I know I’m gonna feel on the other side. So I I work out early in the morning. My alarm goes off at 5 and some days it’s harder to get out of bed. But I know how I’m gonna feel on the other side and that Is what gets me out of bed even if I I’m not in the mood that day.

Bernie Borges [00:24:19]:
Do you ex do you have that experience with some of your clients?

Joe Hoye [00:24:23]:
Absolutely. Yeah. And so, But I’m also realistic with them. Right? Like, I know that I’ve had days so bad that I’ll get to the gym. And even though I’m there, I’m like, you know what? Screw this. Like, My head’s not in a I’m I’m half assing it. I’m not gonna do it. So what I tell people is just don’t judge your workout until you finished your warmup.

Joe Hoye [00:24:42]:
Because while I do have those days where I throw in the towel and I don’t do anything, they’re so rare. And that’s not to say I don’t have other bad days. On those other bad days, I practice what I preach. I get in the gym, I do my warm up, and 9 times out of 10 after my warm up, I feel good already. Right? My blood’s pumping, I’m warm, I’m doing the thing that makes me happy. And so I keep going and after that, after the workout, then I’m really happy.

Bernie Borges [00:25:07]:
Yeah. That’s that’s that’s great advice. I appreciate that. So I’m gonna ask you for a closing thought, but before we get to your closing thought, why don’t you share with my listener, where people can just connect with you and just learn more about you and, your programs.

Joe Hoye [00:25:22]:
Yeah, absolutely. So probably the best place to find me and learn a little bit more about me would be Facebook. So you can just Google my name. That would be or Facebook my name rather. Joe Hoye, h o y e. I’ll also drop you a link to my Facebook community. And so that’s completely free. Every single Friday night, we’re hosting free trainings, myself and our 3 other coaches.

Joe Hoye [00:25:43]:
And then you can also head to our site, check out some free resources. It’s So h o y e f I t .com. And then I’m also wanting to give away 6 months of free coaching. And so Wow. What that looks like is Just that no strings attached. Once you’re in the program, we’re not gonna sell you anything. We’re not gonna push supplements on you.

Joe Hoye [00:26:07]:
We’re gonna coach you for free for 6 months, and that’s that. And so all you need to do is click the link that I’ll share with you, Bernie. And I’ll need 4 things. I’ll need your name, your phone number, your email, and a really solid reason as to why you want to win the 6 months of free coaching. And that’s it.

Bernie Borges [00:26:25]:
So you’re gonna select 1 person? I’ll select 1 person. Okay. Got it. Fantastic. Wow. That’s that’s a great opportunity for someone. Thank you. I appreciate that.

Bernie Borges [00:26:34]:
And again, that will be in the show notes. So I think my listener knows that I include all those links in the show notes. So Joe, Closing thought on this whole topic. I know you talk about this all the time and, love your history. Thank you for sharing it. Give us a closing thought.

Joe Hoye [00:26:50]:
I would say that if you can’t do it for a decade, you probably shouldn’t do it for a day. It’s the biggest thing that I’m realizing now. Right? So regardless of what that is, Weight loss, health, anything else in life. If you can’t do the type of exercise you’re being told to do for 10 years, don’t do it for a day. If you can’t follow the diet that’s gonna get you to your goal weight and keep you there forever for 10 years, don’t do it for a day because it’s not gonna work.

Bernie Borges [00:27:15]:
Wow. That’s an interesting mindset. Thank you for sharing that thought. And Joe, thank you for joining me on this episode, a maximum episode of the Midlife FFO podcast. I I love participating in fitness, and I love talking about fitness, and I love what you’re doing. You’re helping a lot of people. Thank you, Joe, for sharing some of your expertise and your time with us here today on this episode.

Joe Hoye [00:27:38]:
Thank you, Bernie. It was fun.


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