Bernie Borges | Episode 103 | Midlife Fulfilled Podcast

Ep 103 Midlife Transformation by Embracing New Possibilities Beyond a Corporate Job

Discover the lesson in your midlife from a former corporate treasury professional who realized he needed a change and took action.

In this takeaway episode, I summarize the key insights I enjoyed when discussing career and life transformation with Bill Schenher,  on episode 102.

Bill is a former corporate treasury professional who realized he needed a change but he didn’t know what.  He listened to his desire for change and took action.

Here are the key takeaways from our conversation:

1️⃣ Embrace New Possibilities: Bill’s story reminds me that if you want to pursue a different path in your career, do it! He sold his house and relocated without knowing what was next.

2️⃣ The ILI Program: Bill discovered the Inspired Leadership Initiative at the University of Notre Dame which offers a unique opportunity for individuals who have completed a career and to discover and explore new possibilities. Program participants (called Fellows) attend a full academic year on campus, attending classes and immersing themselves in a diverse learning environment for mind, body, and spirit transformation.

3️⃣ Embrace a Portfolio of Activities: Bill’s journey teaches us that fulfillment comes from finding and pursuing activities that align with our passions, talents, and unique perspective.  He embraced the concept of a portfolio of activities that completely transformed his perspective on life.

Tune in to Midlife Fulfilled Podcast Ep 103 on your favorite podcast player or subscribe to my weekly newsletter to stay up to date.

Connect with Bill Schenher on LinkedIn
Learn more about the 
Inspired Leadership Initiative at the University of Notre Dame


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