Bernie Borges | Diane Gilman Takeaway | Midlife Fulfilled Podcast

Ep 83 The Midlife Makeover: How to Reinvent Yourself with Your New Purpose

We all have a purpose in life. When we find our purpose in midlife and live it out, we are more fulfilled and we can make the world a better place.

On episode 83, I share my takeaway from my conversation with Diane Gilman on episode 82. 

Diane Gilman is a fashion designer who found success in her 50s with a line of jeans designed for women her age. She has since sold over 21 million pairs of jeans and has become known as the Queen of Jeans in teleretail. 

In this episode, I share some of the key takeaways from my conversation with Diane. 

  • It’s never too late to reinvent yourself. Diane was 58 years old when she “invented” her jeans line. She followed her heart and created a product that women in her age range needed.
  • Embrace the hard times. Even though Diane’s battle with stage 3 breast cancer was difficult, she emerged a kinder, more empathetic person.
  • Use your experiences to find your purpose. Diane’s purpose now is to inspire women in their 50s and beyond to follow their hearts. 
  • It’s never too late to dream big. No dream is too small. Follow your dreams.
  • Most of us are on a purpose journey, including me. 

My Challenge to You

Most of us have something that our heart is telling us to do, but we’re not taking action. 

I challenge you to be honest with yourself and admit what your heart is telling you. Then, take some action on it. 

I’m talking to myself as much as I’m talking to you. I’m still on my own purpose journey, but I’m listening to my heart and taking action.

We all have a purpose in life. When we find our purpose and live it out, we are more fulfilled and we can make the world a better place.

So, what is your purpose? What is your heart telling you to do?

I challenge you to find out and live it out. The world needs you.

RSVP for my Zoom Virtual Happy Hour Party (10 virtual seats available)

Visit Diane Gilman’s website
Diane Gilman’s Podcast: 
Aging with Grace 55+
Get Diane’s Book: 
Too Young to Be Old
Follow Diane Gilman on Instagram
Diane Gilman on Facebook

Music attribution:
Scott Holmes Music
Eyes Wide Shut
Old Bossa Twin Musicom


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