Kurt Shaver Midlife Fulfilled Podcast

Ep. 25 Kurt Shaver let go of his ego to start his third career 👏🏼

On this episode, Kurt Shaver reveals that he let go of his ego to recently make the transition from his second career to his third career in the tourism industry. The fulfillment he is enjoying is exactly what he had hoped.

This week’s guest is Kurt Shaver.  Kurt had a Covid-inspired, midlife, life-balance assessment reset that resulted in him recently starting his third career.

He summarizes his career as having three stages:

  • 3 decades in corporate tech sales 
  • 10 years as an entrepreneur
  • Business Development at Sonoma County Tourism Bureau since mid-2021

On this episode, Kurt reveals that he let go of his ego to recently make the transition from his second career to his third career in the tourism industry. The fulfillment he is enjoying is exactly what he had hoped.  

You’ll hear why I and so many of Kurt’s friends are “living vicariously” through him as we see the pictures he posts on social media “at work” visiting wineries, going zip-lining, participating in grand openings at new resorts, cruising in hot-air balloons and other envious activities in the context of his job duties as group business development executive at the Sonoma County Tourism Bureau. Kurt posts most of his pictures on LinkedIn, where he has more than 20,000 followers. Follow him on LinkedIn to live vicariously through him. 

Don’t be surprised if Kurt’s story strikes a chord with you, especially the part about letting go of ego to achieve something fulfilling. 

Follow Kurt Shaver on LinkedIn
Read Kurt’s Article on LinkedIn About His 3rd Career Transition
Follow Kurt Shaver on Twitter
Visit Sonoma County’s website.

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Music attribution: Scott Holmes Music

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Music Attribution
Scott Holmes Music
Eyes Wide Shut
Old Bossa Twin Musicom

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