Bernie Borges | Episode 100 | Midlife Fulfilled Podcast

Ep 100 Your Journey to Fulfillment in Midlife Goes through Five Major Areas of Life

Episode 100 is a hybrid BF to AF / Maximum episode where I explain why your journey to fulfillment goes through five major areas of life.

Welcome to episode 100! This episode is a hybrid BF to AF / Maximum episode where I explain why your journey to fulfillment goes through five major areas of life. 

On this centennial episode, I solo to cover two topics that summarize my experience in the first 100 episodes.  I share some of my personal fulfillment journies as well as explain two important topics that characterize the basis for the Midlife Fulfilled podcast. 

1️⃣ What is the true definition of midlife?
Spoiler alert, midlife is not the midpoint of your life!  There is very little support in the scientific community for a universal definition of midlife. I offer my own definition, and back it up with logic that’s hard to dispute. Go ahead and try. 

2️⃣ The five major areas of midlife and a quiz to help you calculate how fulfilled you are across all of them. 

Health | Fitness |Career | Relationships  | Legacy   

How fulfilled are you in each of these five major areas of life? On this episode, you’ll be asked to calculate this. And, if you’re 80% fulfilled, you’re doing great!

I also explain why any other area of your life where you seek fulfillment is a subset of one of these five areas.

On episode 100 I also introduce you to my free Midlife Career Reboot Workbook which I explain on episode 101.

I hope you’ll join me for the next 100 episodes! 

I used AI to help produce these show notes powered by Castmagic

Download the free Midlife Career Reboot Workbook. 

Midlife Career Reboot Workbook | Midlife Fulfilled Podcast | Bernie Borges

Survey Results on Fulfillment Across Key Life Pillars


The Midlife Career Reboot Workbook

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