Visualization of Midlife Goal | Midlife Fulfilled Podcast | Bernie Borges

Ep 105 How Visualization Fuels Achieving My Midlife BHAG Goal

I visualize my BHAG ("big, hairy, audacious goal"). What is your BHAG? Do you believe you can? If you do believe you can, you will. This is my challenge to you!

Welcome to episode 105, a takeaway from my conversation with Wendy Valentine on episode 104.

The theme of Wendy’s main message is reinventing yourself during midlife. Wendy’s story emphasizes the importance of visualizing who you will become, rather than just thinking about who you would like to be. This distinction makes it real, rather than just aspirational.

Wendy shares her belief that midlife is not too late to realize our dreams, and not to deny yourself the chance to reboot your entire life, or your career, depending on your goals.

On this episode, I unveil my vision for an event, planned for 2025, named “Thrive.” This two-day conference, possibly to be held in Florida, aims to inspire attendees through talks and workshops on health, fitness, career, relationships, and legacy. Each presentation will offer actionable challenges, with workshops providing deeper insights. Attendees can choose three out of five workshops, with recordings of the others available for later viewing.

These details are very clear in my mind. I can see this event in my mind.

This is my BHAG (“big, hairy, audacious goal”). What is your BHAG? Do you believe you can? If you do believe you can, you will. This is my challenge to you!

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