Andrew May Midlife Fulfilled podcast feature image

Ep. 21 Midlife Crisis Damages Self Confidence & Triggers Chronic stress: A Road To Self Discovery

Andrew May shares his deeply personal BF to AF story. About ten years ago he lost who he was. He became uncertain about many things. His connection with his wife and family became strained. He lost fulfillment in his corporate executive position. He even became less interested in his faith.

This week you’ll meet Andrew May.  Andrew lives in the Chicago area with his wife and two teenage children. 

In this episode, Andrew shares his deeply personal BF to AF story. About ten years ago he lost who he was. He became uncertain about many things. His connection with his wife and family became strained. He lost fulfillment in his corporate executive position.  He even became less interested in his faith. 

Andrew describes how he and his wife took action that led to his AF season where his marriage is now stronger than ever and today he is teaching Sunday school and he is a coach working with midlife executives who are experiencing burnout.

Andrew’s circumstances may not be the same as yours. However, most of us can find some parallel in his BF to AF story. 

How will you answer the final question in this episode? This question is directed at you! 

This is episode is brought to you by the Midlife Fulfilled 2022 Report  

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Music attribution: Scott Holmes Music

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